Lesson 6

Taught by Roxana Tuff, Artist

August 19, 2016, Friday
Cephas House, 217 MLK Drive, San Marcos, Texas 78666

Lesson Six - Experimental Monoprints

Goal:  Create 3 or more small pieces, done over the week to demonstrate processes.
Bring three of your best prints for this last class.

I'd like you to work on a small series of paintings where you choose
at least three experimental processes in each of the works.
Since it's a series, try to "link" the paintings in some way...
color palette, category of imagery, design (use of space), style of approach,
or process.
Try to use a mix of the things you learned in class for example:

  • Multicolor wash, saran wrap, printed organic design 
  • Wax resist, color wash, salt-stenciled imagery
  • Monoprint, stencil-color wash, ink
  • Expressive painting with splashing/splattering/ink
  • Masking-Expressive background, saran wrap, detailed image

Note: Click on any photo to view a larger image.
To see photos of homework done for Lesson 6, go to Final Lesson

Oak Leaves on a Stem, by Jenny Kroik

Choke with Stem, by Jenny Kroik

Expressive Ghost - monoprint image, by Jenny Kroik

Apache Plume, by Jenny Kroik

1 comment:

  1. Hi all. So glad to have this blog for those who missed class at any point, etc. I hope you all continue experimenting. Just an fyi...These images above are not mine...They belong to Jenny Kroik. You should check out her work and blog on mono printing and other things she's done in watercolor. http://watercolor-land.blogspot.com
